Public speaking is known as one of the most powerful ways to market your business. As a public speaking trainer, I have the opportunity to see many great speakers first-hand. Lately I've noticed more and more entrepreneurs using public speaking to market their businesses. And it's great!
In the spirit of constructive criticism and realizing there is always room for improvement with even the best speakers, the information in this article is meant to help. Although I have had more than 30 years experience speaking in public, I know I'm not perfect, either. With that in mind, I have noticed some good speakers making some mistakes. Hopefully knowing these top five mistakes will help you for the time when you get out there in front of a live audience.
Mistake 1: Rambling
Plan you presentation. Have a clear and focused goal and point of your speech. Follow it. Help your audience follow you.
Mistake 2: Too-Crowded Visuals
Don't write every word of your speech on a Power Point Presentation and call that a visual aid. It's a crutch for you and difficult on the audience. You're better off without it.
Mistake 3: Using Filler Words
A presentation should feel like a conversation with your audience, yes, but there are a few things that may be acceptable in one to one conversation that you should avoid in a speech. Filler words like "you know" don't do much to enhance a conversation in general, but truly don't belong in any speech.
Mistake 4: Being Too Casual
Some people downplay the importance of dressing the part of a successful professional. However it is appropriate to follow through on your branding. For example my friend, Carrie Wilkerson, calls herself the "Barefoot Executive" so when she kicks off her shoes during a presentation that works for her.
Mistake 5: Not Having ANY Offer
Not every speech should have the purpose of selling something, but it's a mistake to leave the stage without offering your audience reason for them to stay engaged and allow you to follow up with them after the event has ended.
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